Welcome to the Faithful For Website!

Tim, Tammie, Ashley and Brandon thank you for visiting
and pray that you have a BLESSED day!!


Faithful For is a family group that was started in 2004. Our goal is to follow God`s call upon our lives by spreading His Word in song. Our prayer is that people will see Jesus through us and allow Him into their hearts and lives so they can enjoy His many blessings. 

The group members are Tim (dad), Tammie (mom), Ashley (18) and Brandon (13). Tim and Tammie have been singing together since 2004. Ashley started singing in 2007 and Brandon just started singing in this year. 

The year 2016 brought many changes to the Burrows family.  In February of 2016 Tim started having trouble walking and had to start using a walker.  Doctors decided that low back surgery was needed to correct what was going on and they operated in April.  After 5 days in the hospital Tim went home to recover but he never got any better.  He continued to get worse and by June of 2016 he was paralyzed from the lower chest down.  He was admitted to the hospital on June 8th and the doctors found that his bones produced to much calcium and grew bone spurs. His spine in his lower neck and upper back was squeezing the spinal cord causing bruising.  After a 12 hour surgery, they had cut away the bone and fused 8 vertebrae together with rods and screws. Once the surgery was over he could wiggle his toes a little.  After 2 months in a rehabilitation physical therapy hospital, he still couldn't stand on his own but he could get into his wheelchair to get around.  Now in June of 2018, Tim is walking short distances, climbing steps, and not 100% reliant on the wheelchair.  God has really been faithful throughout this HUGE test and has given Faithful For a powerful testimony to share. 

May God bless you and keep you for all the days of your life!!!




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